Does anyone know of a gif creator that is usable ( from a YouTube & Vimeo video url ) to make a GIF

I am trying to find a gif creator that accepts the url from YouTube & or Vimeo videos but I can’t seem to find one that works that will let me make a gif from part of the video,
I’ve tried this one below but it doesn’t seem to work with YouTube or Vimeo but does work if you have just a normal video saved ( but that’s no good ) would really appreciate if someone knows of one that will let me create from a url as stated above,
Thanks in advance ….

I am a little confused what you are asking. Do you want to create a new GIF? I have a program that will grab anything online including GIFs from anywhere, and present it as any file type. Is that any use to you?

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Sorry I thought i mentioned it above,

A gif maker that accepts the url of YouTube videos & alike so I can take a piece of the video & make a gif out of it ?


Is that something that’s downloadable & free ? Or is it a paid or monthly subscription ?

Thank you

Just tried to edit my post above but it timed out & disappeared ( sorry )
Was trying to say if nothings available I have found a work around by screen recording video then saving, then upload to the GIF maker above & it works a treat just a bit of a faff illustration below,

IMG_5634 let’s you use a YouTube link :+1:

Just gave it a test with a random YouTube video and it worked okay.


Glad sorted it, mine was free but then turned into a pay per year thing. I bought it as it is great for grabbing stuff.

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Thanks mate
Do I have to set up account as I’ve just tried but it’s not giving me the option, no rush & thank you :+1:

Ah, not 100% sure on that one - I’ve had an account on there for ages (it’s my go-to when I’m creating a new gif… and I do like my gifs). It’s a free site though :+1:

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Just set up an account but can’t seem to get that page up as per your screen shot :thinking: is it under something specific ? Thank you

It’s what I get when I click the ‘Create’ button up top beside my profile name:

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Ah right I’ll have another bash I’ll brb :rofl::+1:

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All sorted thank you @JoeC Joe :+1:

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Good stuff, happy to have helped :slight_smile:

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