Dorset/Bournemouth meeting - Revised Date - 25th March

If Saturday the 18th is good weather wise, I would be more than happy to pick you up.

Alternatively, if the weather goes pear-shaped on 18th the 25th is also good for me.

Thanks for the offer Charlie, but there are other factors in play too. I’m going to leave it at the 25th and hope it’s not just me there!

No problem… the 25th it is. :smiley: :smiley:

I might be 10 -15 mins late, I have to see the Quack first thing…

So it’s the 25th then. Wicked. The weather is not looking good today anyway. Today being the 18th

Well I was off on the 25th, but they’ve now given me a shift… so I’ll still miss you this time… unless my route happens to take me past Ensbury Park!

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Is tomorrow still on??? :thinking: :thinking:

Definitely looking rather gusty for the smaller drones!

It’s quite sheltered as there are woodlands and houses around, so as long as it’s not raining I’m going along as it’s only 15 minutes for me. I’ll post tomorrow morning before 0800 just to confirm.

It will be a good opportunity to try my low level slow flying.


IF the meet happens tomorrow (25th) , what time will it happen?

It looks good to me at the moment, we’re on.

I’ll be there at about 11:15.

Hope the weather holds. :+1:

Sorry i won’t be able to make it today.

Don’t forget to post photos and attendee usernames. :+1:

Yes, Going to the Docs first , then on me way… 11:15 sounds good :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

The place is huge… where is everyone meeting???:smile:


This was posted near the beginning of the thread …

It finally happened, and three of us attended: Me, Indy-Garden and Nikki-M. There was a bit of training had, and here is a picture of Indy and Nikki doing a bit of slow manoeuvring, learning squares and circles. I was having fun until I let my son have a go of the drone and he promptly flew it into the sunset never to bee seen again!


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Sorry for your loss :pensive:

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Sad about your drone, but have to say I really had a good time and learnt a lot of basic stuff I should started with months ago… :+1:

Thanks Nikki-M… :grinning: :+1:

Me wife is going out tomorrow, so I’m taking up your advice and starting indoors flying . If something get broken it gives me time to hide the evidence before she retunes … :thinking:

Oops! Shame about your drone.

Meeting badges awarded - Facilitator - Bronze Badge for yourself for organising, and Socilite Badges for @Indy-Garden and @Nikki-M for attending.


I’ll ask in the school, which is one of the likely places that it fell, but I’m not hopeful. On the plus side I’m looking at this as a chance to build an ArduPilot based drone (or something similar). I’ll start my research journey later this evening :grinning:

The worst of it all is that last night I remembered I’d configured, but not tested GPS rescue a month ago!

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