Dorset Police - Counter Drone Unit

" So we can fly ours to make sure you can’t fly yours" :joy:

They’re only using the (now discontinued) DJI AeroScope Mobile to detect drones? :thinking: :see_no_evil:

Another reason to buy Autel or selfbuild / FPV drones? :running_man:t2: :dash:

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Entirely in favour of them doing it there.
Its an airshow and there are several incidents of the hard-of-thinking flying in those restricted areas.

That does seem overkill though, a tent, 2 (?) Aeroscope, computers.
One guy with a pelicase could do that job.

could always keep them busy and up the drone count

Have a look here Rob

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Not if they’re using Aeroscope (which they are)
RID is separate.