Drone Assist app is showing "No-Drone Zones" over Historic Environment Scotland sites

Surprised to see drone assist has added ‘No drone zone’ areas, note these are not FRZs or restrictions based in legislation, at areas requested by Historic Scotland.

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Seems a sensible idea

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Indeed but I’m curious about the basis for this, surely these have no standing?

None whatsoever


Oh wow, drone assist might take a reputation hit with these, presenting them as restrictions

Why not use our own Drone Scene?

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I’ve just subscribed to it


It will when households start putting them up :wink:

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If they’ve started putting unofficial data with no legal basis as an actual restriction then they’ve lost all credibility as a resource.
Also the start of a slippery slope. If HS do this then English Heritage, Cadw and National Trust will jump in onboard. Before long the most widely used restriction map will have most of the country in red.

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No doubt it will be tested in a High Court at some point…I hope Historic Scotland have their cheque book ready if this has not been officially sanctioned by the CAA or other higher state authorities.

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Why not try it ourselves

Try what :man_shrugging:

Turn you’re place of residence/work into a red zone

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But why

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Just to see if it’s easily done incase Karen and Ken Woke can give it a go and red zone everywhere they want too including maybe the meet ups we arrange (imagine that happening)
TBH I’ve had a look and tried via apps and no joy so far so fingers crossed NFA for a throat punch

Why encourage it?


We’ve been dynamically filtering these out of the data we get from Altitude Angel on the fly for quite some time now (which is why you won’t see them in Drone Scene), and suspect it will be forming part of their pay-to-fly idea.

And we all know how well DronePrep did with that idea a few years ago :roll_eyes:


What’s the deal with it saying they become active on 30th August? What’s the significance of that date?

Geeks has a “big announcement” coming on 30th August. I’m now wondering if this is what it is ? Seems Sean loves to promote DroneAssist ( although I have heard him mention Dronescene a fair amount recently) :wink:

Here’s the announcement of their DronePrep clone from last year:

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