Drone Assist - NATS seem disinterested

Installing on a new phone, today, and in the light of all the recent poor media coverage drones are getting and the new airport restrictions, I’m a mix of amazed and disgusted that the NATS app is so appallingly out of date.

Last update August 2017!

Incompatible with current Android version!

Yes … it does “work” … but this shows just how little NATS really gives a damn about drones.

Not just that but t also shows an exaggerated red area around Heathrow that goes way beyond the enlarged area announced by the government earlier this week!

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The iOS version is dated 4 Aug 2017.

Not sure that matters though as the map data is pulled on the fly?

Out of interest, I just looked at one of the apps we (work) have on the app store:

But again, that also pulls it’s data on the fly :man_shrugging:

You may have Upper Airspace still switched on?

Yes - the age of the app isn’t totally relevant … other than there have been about 3 significant Android version releases in that same time … and it doesn’t like the current version. THAT is my point.

I’d have expected a release for each major OS version - just to tweak things in line with the new requirements.

There’s no need really.

We normally only bring our apps up to the current SDK when we either update something in the app (as it’s usually required) or when Google make something end of life and we need to update their Maps SDK within our app.

That said, we’ve got the Android x64 requirement coming up in April, so our hand will be forced then :confused:

(again, usually the only time we update - when forced)

I think most people will get to the incompatibility message and uninstall.

Then it becomes pointless.

It is disappointing Dave. However I was surprised when I was looking at it yesterday to find a drone flight registered on the system showing some are using it