Drone Assist Zones

Hello, I just had a few questions about Drone Assist - I have a sub 250g drone and if I want to fly around London, I was just worried about the rules and regulations about where to fly.

  1. What does a blue zone airspace mean, and does that mean I can’t fly there?

    2.Would these settings be correct for my class drone?

  2. Would yellow zones be okay to fly in, such as over National Rail or using the “common heli route” which is labeled in yellow?

  3. Would these yellow zones next to red zones be okay to fly in? (It’s still an “airspace” so I’m not sure)

  4. If I accidentally flew into an airspace and for example stayed there for around 2 minutes before realising, how likely would law enforcement actually enforce that - considering sub250g drones don’t have Remote ID, and how would they actually enforce the airspace?

Sorry for the number of images in here, thank you so much!

I can only answer the last question as I use Dronescene, and not drone assist.
Your drone may or may not have RID. But most airports have dji aeroscope. Fly inside their frz with a dji drone and you will stand a good chance of getting caught,

My drone doesn’t have RID, so how would my drone be linked back to me?

Aeroscope detects the comms between contoller and drone, remote id is not needed.

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Your DJI drone will be broadcasting Drone ID which is a proprietary system, built by DJI to track all their drones and is independent of Remote ID.

Your Drone ID signal will be recorded by any AeroScope system within a 15km radius. Most, if not all, airports have AeroScope systems in place and there are base stations scattered all over the UK in various places.

It records your drone serial number (which is linked to your DJI account so they know who you are), your speed, your altitude, flight path, the location of the operator and a mountain of other parameters.

@isaacthere did you contact drone assist to ask them about the layers in their app?

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Will do, thank you. Just wondering if any members who are experienced with drone assist would have some insight

Please let us know if they get back to you @isaacthere ?

@AVIDronesuk is yet to hear back from them :confused:

Also am I allowed to fly in Greenwich Park if I am off their site but can still maintain VLOS? It’s a yellow zone but their policies say no drones explicitly.

Have a read of this might help

Had a read. Just bought a silver membership so I could access drone scene now.

Would I be able to fly in this blue zone?

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What do you read into it?

It just says it’s a hazard, I’ts not really clear if I could fly. (sorry for the amount of questions lol just don’t want to get in trouble as a new drone flyer)

Same with this zone around London. It’s a red zone but it specifically states helicopters, I’m not sure about drones.

Then its just helicopters, switch on and off the layers to see the varios restritions and use the share link to share that view

Who’s policies? The Royal Parks have regulations which can and will be enforced by the Met Police ’ Royal Parks ’ OCU. The taking off and landing of drones within the Royal Parks is prohibited under the regulations.

There is however a site at Richmond Park (Royal Park) that is designated for recreational drone use.

There’s nothing stoping you from flying over a Royal Park from outside its boundary whilst maintaining VLOS, but you might draw potentially unwanted attention to yourself.

Would the police treat it as trespassing if they catch you operating in park bounds?

Trespass is a matter of civil law in most cases. However you are responsible for your own actions, nobody on here will police others.