Have any of you ever done it.
I was youtubing looking for a drop mechanism for my drone as I am determined to drop a City flag on my Loonypool supporting mates house.
i was watching some videos, two guys were beach fishing, they took the line and bait out a couple of hundred meters , dropped the line/bait and hooked a hammer head shark.
That was in Australia, but the capabilies of our favourite toys are amazing arent they.
Fishing line, props and water seems like a recipe for disaster.
At least you could reel it back in when it takes a splash.
Did it once, saw it on Utube, just attached some wire to the phantom legs. Slide the ring of the weight on and hook line hanging down, put the beach caster in the rod stand, reel in free spool, then fly out, had to angle the flight out climbing to stop the line sag catching the water and pulling the weight off. Once you get out 300+yards, cock the reel and presto the weight slides off.
I hope the video concludes with the Hammerhead eating him?
This was a new one on me!!!
Seen it before, still don’t get it!
Takes their bait and line out to a distance they can’t cast to bit like us taking pics from a place we can’t get to ie:120m up personally fishing like this seems to be cheating but each to their own
Oh. Always thought they were tying to catch a fish with a drone!