Anyone using this combination?
Currently contemplating.
Anyone using this combination?
Currently contemplating.
Not on a Mavic Pro but looking at the Birdmap
Looks like all firmware is supported
Yeah - and I know lots have used on later models … just wondered about that specific one.
What is your concern?
That version can also be rooted
Not a concern … but ALL the posts on GADC in relation to Drone Hack are for the Fly app related drones … not a single one (after about 3 hours of searching/reading) are about the Go4 drones.
It would be good before taking it on to know that one of our 18k+ members had used it on their MP.
For more money … not gonna be spending that.
I have it on my Mavic Pro, as well as Mini 2 and Mini 3 Pro.
On the MP Pro the device is fully opened to everything and rooted, so many more options with the Mavic Pro than the others, hence why I have kept it.
This was the start of the journey for hacking drones, this goes all the way back to the OG, and there was literally a handful of us or so hacking the MP Pro, this was all lead by Bin4ry.
So would def say its worth the cost of a licence to get the best out of the MP
Thanks. Nice to know there’s still a number of us with their much beloved (and hacked) MP that they’d never sell.
I have my own original that was hacked via the DUMLdoreV3/DankDroneDownloader route to 01.04.0100. And it’s been like that since Jan '18.
But I now have a “spare” MP that’s right up to date and pristine … and was thinking of trying the Drone Hacks route on that.
Did you source a moded Go4 app to avoid the notifications that persist?
I previously rolled my own application through the usual tools that were made available to us by the likes of Bin4ry, Quad808, CS2000, etc etc
Everything is still out there on Github, and via the group o “Mattermost”, although Bin4ry retired from the scene (for now)
The WiKi which was setup at the start of the drone hacking thing, is full of valuable information and tools:
I tend to treat “Github” as a .
From a a quick look … it seems the latest version of Go4 for tinkering with is 4.1.3 … but I seem to remember 360 panos needed 4.2.x and later … and I would want to retain those.
In which case, it seems like I’ll have to suffer NFZ warning sounds, then. I do at the moment with my original MP … so it’s nothing more than it would have been nice to kill them off whilst I’m tinkering.
You may remember that one of the guys put together a little app that silenced the MP’s very annoying sounds.
Apart from initial testing for him, I didnt use it much more, but might help you… no promises:
What about using Litchi instead of GO4?
If the drone firmwares NFZ database is empty Litchi won’t do / warn about anything.
Litchi will handle panos too.
Oh - indeed - just exploring all options.
The RC moaning about NFZs would still be the case, of course, even with Litchi.
If the drone doesn’t have any NFZs in its firmware and you’re using Litchi, then the RC will be blissfully unaware of anything.
Ah - yes - my original hack overrode NFZs, they weren’t actually removed. (Can’t recall why I never did that bit. Probably a case of syndrome.
So - even with no device (and hence no app at all) - the RC flashes NFZ crap.
Right, gotcha.
You’re aiming for a version number of on all three databases for the quiet life
I had it on my Mavic 2 Pro with the Go4. No issues.