Drone Harmony experiment

I use both Litchi and Drone Harmony but do find DH gives a really smooth video. I’ve got a mission planned for next week using both Litchi and DH using the same waypoints and POIs so I can compare the two. I’m only going to use 5 or 6 waypoints and 2 or 3 POIs and just let the software do its stuff. I know with a bit more effort you can adjust different settings to improve things. Here is one I tried recently with DH with 6 WPs and 3 POIs and the Smooth Plan tool which takes a couple of seconds to generate the ammended plan. Everything is auto no post prduction straight from the card.


Drone Harmony/Litchi comparison pleasantly surprised hardly any difference. Both excellant programs with a lot a of differences when you delve deeper.


The YT URLs need to be on their own line to create the embedded player.
I edited for you.

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Thank you, new to this game, another senior moment Lol

No probs! :+1:

Reverted to a Hobgoblin Gold that should sort me out