Please don’t take my post the wrong way…it’s just an observation.
It used to be that we could fly RC model aircraft anywhere we had permission, usually in some farmers field in the middle of nowhere, and never had to tell anyone where, when, or how long we were flying for. We just flew.
That isn’t to say we could do what we wanted - the Air Navigation Order was a thing decades ago, and you could still be in trouble for damaging property and everything else that goes with operating a big heavy object that can cause harm.
Even the larger drones of today are lighter than the models we used to fly, and they fly relatively slowly (yes, they can fly fast flat-out, but my car can also do 125 MPH even though it isn’t legal to do so on the public highway, if you understand what I’m saying).
Kinetic energy being 0.5 * m * v^2, and being capable of flying in excess of 150 MPH for some models, you don’t need to be a genius to figure that if a model aircraft hits you, it’s not going to end well.
Why am I stating the obvious?
When I go fly my (manned) glider, I drive to the airport, get in the aircraft, and fly. I don’t file a flight plan as I’m under VFR rules, flying in class G airspace, out of an uncontrolled airfield.
I’m still required to check NOTAMS, but otherwise I’m not required to tell anyone where or when I’m flying. I can fly anywhere it is legal to fly (i.e., outside of controlled airspace) and not even carry a radio to do so.
I find it … disturbing … that I would need to report where I’m flying a drone, considering all the restrictions placed upon how I can fly it (within VLOS being the most limiting), considering I don’t need to tell anyone where I’m flying my glider.
The surveillance state is already too large, and I really fail to see who is “helped” by knowing where I’m flying a small drone in a relatively confined area. We are already prohibited from flying in certain areas for legitimate reasons, so we are hardly going to be operating there in the first instance.
What purpose does it serve to report my activities in uncontrolled airspace, considering I don’t need to in order to fly a large, manned aircraft?