Drone spots wildfire arsonist in Italy (BBC)

I bet his heart sank when he spotted the drone watching him!

Italy: Drone spots suspected wildfire arsonist Italy: Drone spots suspected wildfire arsonist - BBC News

The good news is that he was detained!

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Ha - Calabria - there’ll be more than that going on here.

I’ve witnessed arson being committed in Calabria - someone hadn’t paid the 'Ndrangheta their “dues”. They remain VERY active in the region.

As I drove past, the perpetrators were on their phones and then followed me on their bikes. As I drove through the next town there was about 50 guys out on the main street gesturing that I shouldn’t stop, waving me on.

The olive trees were being lit where marked … and the town top-right was where I was made very unwelcome.

Had three “brushes” with 'Ndrangheta - Calabria isn’t a part of Italy I’d go back to. Well - not the interior, the coast is OK.