Drone stops play at Southampton v Villa

100% just after the attention judging by the rest of his Twitter feed. Unless he has a DJI Spark that transforms into a Mini 2 at the press of a button…

What a sad muppet…. Trying to ride of the back of somebody else’s stupidity. :roll_eyes:

Possibly not flown VLOS if the user was outside the statium and the drone dropped below the roof line?

I saw another clip and that looks like it was overhead.

From this video it looks to be in front of (and below the level of) this big scoreboard:

If they’ve taken off from outside the stadium, there’s no way that’s VLOS.

If they’ve taken off inside the stadium… well. they’ve almost certainly done so from inside a pretty substantial assembly of people.

If it dipped below the stadium roof id expect a pretty immediate loss of signal. If it operated below stadium level i’d venture the operator was inside.

(But yes, counts as a large assembly of people who can’t move out of the way so regardless of weight if its there its not legal).