I did see the claim above on a couple of other media sites but then I guess they may have all jumped on the bandwagon of maybe a possible claim of nonsense
‘ you want sauce on that mate ‘
According to that news paper report, greater Manchester police ceased a drone that was carrying 7 kgs of drugs.
WTF - the bag must have been ginormous. What sort of drone were they using?
Those drones that Amazon are using in the USA to deliver packages, have a maximum load weight of 2.5kgs.
There’s obviously a bit of in the story.
Is what I’ve started to think, I did see the local Manchester News broadcast the same story as you rightly say above, yes could be a load of happy horse
Unless the drone made a series of drops that totalled 7kg, which I suppose would increase the chances of being caught. But, yes, probably an ‘accidental misprint’ exaggeration by the 5-0 to big up their success. Looks like bullshit, smells like bullshit, probably bullshit!
7g of ‘drugs’ (generic, presumably cannabis) I could believe. That would probably be about the limit of what something like a DJI mini could manage when you include the weight of the drop gear.
Based on what ?
There is no drop gear involved they take it in daggling from string
This isn’t the 60’s.
Why is netting not used to prevent the drones from accessing the cells or the exercise areas? Mist nets, like the Italians use to trap birds, would do it, or even chicken wire. Apart from having to be repaired after storny weekends like this one, I can’t see any down sides to this idea.
Cannabis, draw, weed, grass, ganga, da 'erb, dope, maryjane (now I’m showing my age) any name you like, you know what is meant. I’m guessing, don’t know but guessing, that most of what goes into prisons is this stuff in one form or another; can’t see too many people getting into crack or heroin unless there is a guaranteed continuous supply. There’ll be an amount of heroin, coke, hallicinogens, barbiturates, but the standard commodity will almost certainly be marijuana-based.
I would have thought Spice would be a good prison drug as well. Spend the bulk of your sentence off-grid…
According to a BBC News article dated this month, apparently they do have netting?
It is!
Couldn’t be further from the truth
Class A is where it’s at, folks can come off the weed really easily and it sets off the fire alarms.
Do your research @TheJohnster
"There is also the possibility that someone could be picked up by a drone.“
I think they might be smoking the “drone-delivered” drugs mentioned in this post…
Typical media hype, yet they fail to comment that it is already a no fly zone.
The crime is life the punishment is death : Judge Death
If theyre concerned about drones airlifting prisoners out of prisons theyre going to shit themselves when they find out helicopters exist.
Yeah, while I don’t doubt drones dropping things is a problem, the ill informed knee jerk reactionary bias of the article is summed up in this quote
“There is also the possibility that someone could be picked up by a drone.
"It’s unlikely but… this is something that the prison service, the police and security services will have to be all over.”
As mentioned above, there is already drone countermeasures , geofencing and legislation(recently stronger) around prisons. So other than issuing guards with weapons what else can they do.
These ridiculous headlines
Les Nicolles Prison on Guernsey has been operating a ’ Sky Fence ’ system for the past 7 years. The mainland really need to keep up!
And that was seven years ago
The gangs have at least 6 drones flying round together Rich, if they see another drone they kick fuck out of it, Honest
Most of the prison i have been in and worked in now have fine netting over have they removed all that
@Kirky I’m afraid, I must confess that I’m addicted to … ketchup! Can’t imagine a life without it. That beautiful smoothness as I squeeze it slowly out onto my chips; my mouth moist with anticipation, saliva dripping from my tongue as it sweeps across my lips.
The, smell intertwines with vinegar releasing even more dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin in my system; a heady combination that… oh no, I’m turning into the @TheJohnster . Must head out to Aldi to get a quick fix!
Isn’t that the basis of them having Drone nets and mesh and how about they put some signal jammers in