Drones to be banned from flying near prisons in England and Wales from 25 January 2024

Tagging @UAVHIVE

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It is imperative that the prison service finds a way to stem the ingress of drones to reduce the supply of drugs into prisons

Just put netting over the top?

Wasnā€™t there a report recently that said staff were bringing in more drugs than visitors were, and visitors were bringing in more than drones? Will see if I can find it.

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Oh wait :man_facepalming:t2:

Iā€™ve just seen that this report is the result of a survey of inmates.

It must be accurate then.


Plastic windows :joy:

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Seems legit :smiley:

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Elf and safety, donā€™t want them hurting themselves on broken glass.

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If inmates are burning holes in their cell windows, then donā€™t repair them and let the inmate get cold.

Place a large net over / in front of the windows.

With the withdrawal of the Winter Heating Allowance, there will a large number of law abiding pensioners who will suffer this winter, which is just wrong.

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To quote Starmer in an interview in May this year. ā€œ I was speaking to one old lady who sits there all day in her coat, because sheā€™s worried about putting the heating on, That canā€™t be right, can it ?ā€ :wink::wink::wink:

Any other pensioners on here, fancy planning a bungled bank robbery, so we can at least get 3 meals a day, nice warm cell, access to a gym, snooker table. Free tv etc for the cold winter months ? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Does anyone actually believe a single word that comes out of a politicians mouth?

Their all full of :cow::poop:

They all šŸ«› in the same :honey_pot:


Iā€™d only ever believe Starmer if he said his favourite shopping catalogue was ā€œ Freemansā€ :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Or using it a cutting tools/weapons to assist escape.

I cannot think of anything more pointless and ineffective than declaring that there is a 400m FRZ around prisons; sounds as if the the governent is doing something to counter the criminals, but theyā€™re not, and itā€™s cost the Treasury the required and acceptable amount of money! The people flying contraband in are not in the least interested or affected. Electronic jamming might work, but would probably have all sorts of effects on legitimate communications outside the prison. Letting the guards shoot the drones down with rifles is possible, but would lead to shells dropping in the surrounding streets potentiall causing injury. Lasers are no good because theyā€™ll affect overflying aircraft.

Netting over the vulnerable area is probably the best way to stop this particular method of getting drugs into prisons, but the netting would have to be regularly maintained, repaired, and replaced. This costs money and takes effort; see the problem?

The prison system is irrepairably broken. Overcrowding and poor conditions may suit Daily Mail readers (let 'em suffer, thatā€™s what prisonā€™s for) but leads to an increased likelihood of poorer security and corrupt officers. There seems to be an opinion among both officers and inmates that a level of drug use must be tolerated in prisons to keep volatile and violent inmates under control or the situation becomes ungovernable. Anyone who is not a drug user who enters the prison system (where drugs should be impossible to obtain) will come out using.

I donā€™t have any suggested solutions to any of this, btw, and I resent being prevented from flying in an airspace local to me by something that is 100% ineffective.

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:grinning: :beers:


So our Governmentā€™s fix for this is ā€¦ā€¦

ā€¦ā€¦ release the inmates early and tag them.:rage::rage:

RID for people, similar to drones.

The released prisoners will re-offend as soon as they can in order to be reincarcerated, because the drugs that prison life has addicted them to are easier and cheaper to obtain inside prison than out on the streets. There is effectively no aftercare or support for these people, who will mostly end up sleeping rough and begging.

If you commit a crime, common justice suggests that you should be punished for it and give restitution if possible. The sentence for burglary should be to do your time while being given the means to avoid re-offending, not having the rest of your life destroyed by drug addiction and homelessness as a result of being exposed to the revolving door prison system.

Actuallly, I do have a suggestion to resolve this. The overwhelming bulk of crime is connected to drugs, either obtaining the means to acquire them or being involved in their production & distribution. Therefore, and I accept that this is contentious, all drugs should be legally available at reasonable cost* from licensed outlets in the same way as alcohol and tobacco are. Safe spaces to consume them should be provided as well.

With the criminal element removed from the picture by legally produced drugs priced at a level that makes them unprofitable to manufacture and consume illegally, the death rate would fall and a societal scourge would be effectively negated. It wonā€™t reduce criminal activity, those people will just go off and do something else that makes them money, but it will reduce itā€™s negative affect on society particularly in areas like where I live. I donā€™t like the aggressive beggars or desparate crack whores offering me sex, all the time, and debating the matter with me when I refuse no matter how politely, every day.

*ā€˜Drug shopsā€™ (packet of 10 Moroccan Mist, please, mateā€™) would sell at lower prices than the gangs, but include an element of taxation (like tobacco & booze) to pay for treatment and rehabilitation of addicts. Safer drugs produced to standards will reduce the burden on the NHS, and addicts will be more able to manage their lives, hold down jobs (remember jobs?), pay their rent & bills, and be better participants in our society. With their stress & anxiety level reduced, they will tend to use less drugs, and be better able to wean themselves off.

Sorry, drifted OT a bit; this is one of my soapboxes!


Or bring back corporal and capital punishment

Or lock them in smaller boxes 24/7

As for your suggestion, why not. The 2 biggest killers in the country are legal highs


Maybe easier to obtain to a certain degree,
But hell no are they cheaper, you could would 10 x your money selling in jail & probably come out more minted than when you went in !

Edit : actually go in not a pot to piss in or window to chuck it out & come out plenty quids in.

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Here, Here, @TheJohnster.

Where do I find the box next to your name, to put my cross in. :x:

I accept people make mistakes, some of those mistakes are severe and deserve punishment, however our prison system is just a joke.

The CPS also desperately needs a reform too.

Mmm, bit of homework needed to be done there mate

Have you REALLY any idea of what addiction does to you? Bit more homework needed maybe.

Iā€™ve worked with people who are in addiction mate, and really, heroin, meth or crack, whichever you use, holding down a job would not be easier if you were getting cheaper more pure substances. Wow.

Thatā€™s me off my soapbox, over and outšŸ˜


Just stumbled on this ā€œ albeit ā€œ nearly two months old, not seen it here so thought id post,


Ian @UAVHIVE submitted a FOIA recently to query the claims made by the media :slight_smile:

Canā€™t remember if the outcome was shared here or only on his X account? :thinking:

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