I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:
Land owner permission not required.
Dun Telve is an iron age broch in the Glenelg area, located just inside the Highlands FRZ - EGR610A - check the RAF Low flying timetable and your App and seek authorisation from the RAF Low Fly Team if you are in any doubt as to whether the area is active.
Park in the small layby for about 3 cars just outside the site, then fly from the roadside. Watch out for overhanging trees and power lines!
Dun Troddan broch is visible form here and lies about 1km further up the glen on the side of a hill, there are lots of No Fly signs at Dun Troddan but none at Dun Telve, and talking with another drone flyer he told me he was accosted for flying at Dun Troddan by the local farmer, so I would suggest you TOAL away if you want to capture Dun Troddan at the same time - which is what I did, a high level overflight that will be posted as a separate video on YT, however I will not be adding it to the Drone Map…
Low fly timetable - Military low flying: RAF operational low flying training timetable - GOV.UK
The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 24/04/2023. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.