Early morning in Edinburgh

I was in Edinburgh yesterday morning hoping for a decent sunrise and it didn’t disappoint. Some lovely light for about an hour afterwards too. After seeing @Colin1 video of St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral I thought I’d stop by and get a few pics. Spent ages lining up the spire with the gap at the top of Grosvenor Cres/Landsdowne Cres, thankfully no wind so the Mini 3 Pro sat in position perfectly :grinning:


Well done drumsagard amazing shots beautiful light on these :+1::ok_hand::clap::slightly_smiling_face: thank you for the mention

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Cheers Colin :+1:

Wow these are beautiful… Edinburgh tourist board … sell them

Great pics. Possibly the best I’ve seen on this site!

Should have added - of Edinburgh!

Cheers guys! :blush: :+1: