Early Morning Tower Crane

Maybe a good idea as in a few minutes you’ll never be able to edit your post.

Thank you. Very helpful.

LOL. I will do that, but as I have said, I do try to stay within the law.

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If people want to leave there self wide open that’s up to them but I joined this website to help give advice If they can’t take it onboard have fun and do it safely


Correct @milkmanchris UNLISTED don’t share publicly all my pre 2 years ago deleted and any remaining iffy always unlisted :+1:


I liked the private setting but YT put a death on that one.

I’m not sure if the ‘Videos by Drone’ section of the site is searchable by google, @PingSpike ?

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Yes mate, any category without a padlock next to it is publicly available / indexable.


Only clues though - bit of a longer discussion on the issues with those maps here. I tend to use common sense about congested areas and the 150m distance as a good starting point to work out where to fly.

My tips:

  • there are spaces even in cities where you can get a decent distance away from buildings e.g. some parks, waste ground etc
  • if you are sharing a photo taken in a spot where you are doubtful about the legality (or know damn well it wasn’t), you might want to consider using an EXIF editor to strip out GPS coordinates from the image
  • you can also avoid using your real name on your profile and as noted by others, be cautious about how public your YouTube links are
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I would like to thank you for your advice and help. It has really helped me and cleared up some lack of knowledge on my part. As I have stated in an earlier post, I do try to stay within the law and I realise that lack of knowledge is no excuse, but that is my excuse.


Wow how much data is in a pic it gives you exposure and all the settings it was took with good for getting information off pics when you forgot the settings on your drone to retrieve the information :+1::+1:


@Grant.whb @milkmanchris
Below is a map from the ‘Built up areas’ map of where I flew for the crane.

I took off from just above the WE in cherwell and the area the crane is in is the dark square just below the LL. This used to be a car park but is now a building site, but I obviously flew into that zone. Does any of this lessen my ‘guiltyness’.


Nearly, yes. if you took the map just to the right of yours it would be as below.

The car park just below centre right on your map is the one bottom left on mine. The car park to the right of that is the one that is now a building site.and the crane is probably just between the 2 red cars (parked next to each other) and the canal. In fact, below has a blue cross where the crane is.

And not all exif readers are made the same, some read some fields others won’t. I can bore you to death on IPTC metadata if you want too

I’m ok thanks lol just did not know there was that much information attached to a photograph :+1:

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Invaluable in my old line of work since 1995.

Worth a read, especially if you do commercial work involving stills.

Can be very useful for burying a copyright or even the extras you can add for a customer using IPTC

Exif - Wikipedia

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Not as bad as I thought the read thanks @milkmanchris it was the bore you to death bit that threw me :+1:

My last post on this now 150m away from a congested area

50m away from structures