Edinburgh drone loaded with narcotics crashes near Saughton prison as pilot hunted

Ihope they catch them !

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Probably trying to get in one last flight before it becomes illegal to fly near prisons next week. :roll_eyes:


It already is

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I wonder how they know or believe the road he was in :thinking:

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Even when it becomes illegal, the problem is one of catching them - the pilot could be anywhere in a circle a few km in diameter, in the middle of the night, possibly hidden inside a van…

And Remote ID won’t help, as they will doubtless find a way of disabling it.

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With cellular connectivity (available for some DJI models) they could be … anywhere! Just someone to deliver the drone to the launch site.

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is this not england and wales the 400m law? not sure if the applies to scotland,400m

Still illegal to transport drugs into a prison regardless of the size of the exclusion zone.

So regardless of England Scotland Wales or Northern Ireland the new law has just been made a mockery of before it even becomes law.

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These people will always be looking for new ways of getting contraband into prisons, will usually have someone at the bottom of the pile taking the risk

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So they now just need to convince the criminals to comply with the law. If they don’t then it is likely to become necessary to introduce more laws. There will ultimately be an endless selection of laws for the criminals to ignore. I think it might become a bit confusing. How are the police supposed to keep track of which law the criminals are ignoring? :crazy_face:

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… anything, all forces being so under-funded and under-staffed. Soon it will be a free-for-all.

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This has been going on for years, that is why the law is being introduced, when i mentioned about 400m, yes saying i do not think applies to scotland, i think most people know it is illegal to transport drugs and also use or distribute illegal drugs and even presecription drugs not prescribed to the named person

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More drugs are taken into prisons by staff and visitors every day of the week.

If prison was prison and you really took away their freedom and liberty there wouldn’t be a drug problem inside.


My daughter messaged me one evening asking if I had any strong pain killers ( she was in severe pain having fell flat on her back the previous day.) She knew I had a prescription for Tramadol at the time and didn’t like taking them ( tends to knock me out ) I took her a half dozen over and also kept a copy of my prescription in case I was stopped by the police ( had the excuse why I had them on my person). So yep, I’ll put my hands up to “breaking the law” ( couldn’t see my own daughter in pain ) :wink::wink:


I am not judging anyone, just reference to a post earlier about “Still illegal to transport drugs into a prison regardless of the size of the exclusion zone” when i was making the point that the 400m rule does not apply to scotland yet. I did not think it had to be said that transporting drugs into a prison was illegal. I do not want to upset anyone,

I too, hope people now don’t think I’m a drug dealer for giving my daughter half a dozen prescription drugs :joy::joy::joy: ( however, if ya need any paracetamols I have plenty ) :joy::joy:

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best place to go by what i have read is the prison to get some, gets deliverd by drone, i wonder if amazon was doing a trial of drone deliverys

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You haven’t upset anyone and the reply to your post about 400m wasn’t having a dig at you it was taking the piss out of the government.
They could put a 1000 mile exclusion zone round prisons but it won’t stop the criminals.

Ha ha , Good job Evri don’t start drone deliveries. “Hi there, just to let you know your expensive glassware has just been dropped in your backyard by our delivery drone. Unfortunately the drone was at a height of 300 ft when it dropped your package. If you can’t find your package, please try all the neighbours gardens within a 1 mile radius. “ :joy::joy::joy::joy: