Epicum Roman Fort, Alston, Cumbria

As part of our trip up north to Northumberland and Cumbria we visited the Epiacum Roman Fort in Alston. The place is massive and was given permission to fly it as you don’t get to appreciate the size of the place on the ground. So with my trusty Mavic Air 2 in a a bit of a wind it flew effortlessly and I was able to use a load of the functionality to get various shots. The Ramparts stand out really well from the air so it is highly recommended if you visit that part of the world. The landowner owns the Noom Tea Room at the bottom of the hill.


Great pics!

They add the Monument Master Badge to your profile, too. :+1:

Thanks for the photo’s. I have walked there a couple of times, but to see it from the air is fantastic. Great pics matey.

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Wow. The people in the photo really give this a sense of the huge scale of the fort.

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Really good pics - got a vid yet ?
Old Cumbrian saying : " What did them Romans ever do for us" lol

Really, you need cows to get the scale … eh @PingSpike. :wink:


I have got a great orbital shot but it is to big to upload and the forum does not seem to like links from OneDrive

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this is what i love about drones, you really do get a new perspective on stuff. great shots.

Not sure if this will work, but here is the orbital video of the fort.

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