Etwall village, constant flow Single shot

This is a single continuous constant flow shot of the lovely village of Etwall in Derbyshire.



Not knowing the place what’s lovely about it?

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aha, its has a few nice pubs. And has the Well dressings on which I went there to see. I took lots of photos for Google Streetiview of them such as…

Well dressing

Another well dressing

and another well dressing.

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From hence forth, when someone says of me that I’m well dressed, i shall be suspicious.


:joy: :rofl:
I think Well dressing is a Derbyshire custom only, not seen it anywhere else.
They are made out of flower petals, seeds, stones etc and take days to make

Never heard of Well Dressing until tonight. Everyday is a school day at GADC :+1:

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yes learn something new everyday.
Well dressing on wiki

I love the look of the green spaces surrounding the village, a really nice calming video.

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Yes surrounded by fields. Thanks yes and I filmed it in cine mode and in one fluid movement