Experimental Flight

Got my new DJI mini 3 pro and just done my first flight test in the back garden. It’s slightly breezy here in Shipley and I’m quite surprised I managed it quite well. And I’m impressed with this Drone. It’s quieter than I thought it would be. So I’m still exploring it. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


No video or piccies ?

Rules of the internet - without them it didn’t happen :wink:

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No, not yet. It was, as the title say’s. ‘An experimental Flight’ I’m new to the Drone you see. So I will wait a little longer and have more confidence in flying my DJI Mini3 Pro. :cowboy_hat_face:

Until recently, I had the Mini 2, but now fly a Mini 4 Pro, and am surprised how quiet it is compared to the Mini 2 .
I believe the 3 and 4 sound almost identical as they use the same props, so I agree with you on how it sounds.

And I only went up to roof height and it handled quite well in the breeze. So I’m glad I made the right choice. At the moment I’m concentrating on my own land only as I do not have a sticky label yet with my ID code.Must make an effort tommorow to get some sticky labels. :cowboy_hat_face:

It doesn’t have to be anything posh …. A piece of tape with the number written on will do until you ca arrange a neater one

Ah but I’ve thought of that, but the sellotape would not stick to the Drone.Minds you I’ve had the tape for years so maybe it’s lost it’s stickyness. I even thought of marking it with a permanent marker but I think that will go against the rules. I’ll just have to be patient and go and get some labels.

PM your details, ill print some out and stick them in the post for you :+1:

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Thats very kind of you, thank you very much but I’m going out in the morning so I’ll get some tommorow. But thanks all the same. :grinning: