Failed mini 3 Pro flight in high winds at Pendragon Castle


The castle was built in the 12th century by Ranulph de Meschines, during the reign of King William Rufus.

I TOAL close by but straight away the 249g drone was drifting and couldn’t maintain its GPS position without me adding stick input. The forecast was 20mph winds with 30+mph gusts but I thought I’d give it a go anyway. But as I turned into the wind during its first orbit the gimbal started jerking and I lost screen and control at the same time. I got the screen back, and thus control, pretty quickly but it was obvious that the gusts were making it impossible to get decent footage so I changed the mode to Sport and made a B-Line for home!

A bit melodramatic I know but thought it would be a bit of fun to put it out there as a short spoof video regardless of the FAIL!

Ps The wind noise wasn’t an effect, it was a recording off my phone from a ground video I did.


Probably due to extreme bank angles of the drone due to wind causing the gimbal to run out of travel ?

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Great to see someone else braving the wind :joy:

Question, did you have obstacle avoidance disabled? Unlike with the older drones, Mini 2 and Mavic 2 Pro, these newer ones have a tendancy to do their own thing in strong wind, as I found out in Llanberis. The same happened to me on Christmas Eve with the Air 3, i.e. started descending on it’s own (directly above a pylon). I now keep my OA off in the wind.

Like Martin has said, the gimbal will do that when you are at full yaw, whilst being side swiped by strong wind.

I’m not sure why you lost signal though, that was unusual, especially since you were very close. Any Airdata to share?


Amateur compared to you Chris!

No it was in Bypass until I turned Mode to Sport to bring it back.

Yes I’ve had it a few times but never lost signal or control however brief.

I put the Airdata in the video but I’ll get the whole flight when I get a sec Chris.

TBH, I wasn’t sure what was going on :rofl: I was getting strong wind messages telling me OA was unavailable and the screen didn’t exactly go blank but was super scrambled so I couldnt see what was going on. That was the bit where it was looking down circling if I recall correctly. It could have well been me putting in involuntary stick inputs while I was trying to find it in the sky! My bruv was spotter for me but had walked off and I couldn’t hear him for the wind! :rofl::rofl: The screen stopped messing about but the gimbal was still all over the place so I gave up.

The video was done tongue-in-cheek style so wasn’t quite as dramatic in real life but I did think “is this going to be my 1st fly away” at the time! :rofl::rofl:

@MartG1960 I thought that Martin but never had my screen scramble like it did before. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_spiral_eyes:

@D0c.Col colin
If it’s any consolation when I was flying the mavic 3 last Monday in strong wind, I was doing a wide angle pano, gimbal was battered by wind, it cancelled the pano at 33% & the screen went black & white & I lost signal for about 10 seconds & the drone was fairy close, I checked the Airdata it shows signal 100%,
However when the screen went black & white I moved the joysticks as I initially thought ( well I just did ) but on the Airdata it shows this, which yes I moved the sticks because the pano stopped, screen went black & white, I had no control as said above, sorry not going off topic.

@Kirky Frightening isn’t it Rich. I think I may have put some inputs in myself while in a semi-controlled panic! :rofl:

Not worried about off topic, it’s good to talk! :wink::rofl:

Is what I done when it froze the pano at 33% & the screen went blk / white, which past experience has always been signal loss, so yes, panicked & moved joysticks, usually I’d be panicking but after comming home & doing some google research I found that it’s quite common especially on the sub 250 drones in strong winds, but it’s ok I’m not stressing for once is what it is I guess but it caught me off guard,
Usually you know when your going to lose signal by the bars on screen but these was all still full & white, possible glitch occurred at the same time :thinking: maybe.

@Kirky Yes Rich, I was virtually 40m away with full signal from it and although it was bucking about on take off it seemed ok as I slowly headed out at altltude.

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It is a bit of a bum twitcher :grimacing: even worse when your waiting ages or what seems like forever to actually be able to see what’s going on again,
I had one near some trees a while back trying to get a picture of the monument in Savernake forest, I dropped down low, signal went, must have been at least a minuite, felt like it was all over, then it regained connection & I thought I’m out of here :man_running:t2::dash::rofl:

@clinkadink Here you go Chris Airdata Link

Apart from strong wind warnings the signal looked good all of the flight. Not sure about controls though as it says not enough data? The issue I had with the screen was probably the gimbal and camera signal. The downward view and circular move was probably me thinking it had disconnected when the screen went south on me and I must have inputted sh*t while I was distracted!

It never dropped altitude on me that I could detect at the time but the short time the screen went I was worried that it may disappear (remember thinking ‘oh well it had to happen some time or other’.

The weather report says 21mph (which is different to the one I got locally at the time) but it was the gusts that it didn’t like and it certainly felt pretty strong where I was standing!

Nice try you live to fly again!

@johsen Yes John, the mini 3 Pro is feeling sorry for itself now as it’s consigned to the shelf until I sell it. Usurped by my new mini 4 Pro… as they say, and at least for me, “The King is dead. Long live the King!”

Now if only it would stop bl**dy raining! :exploding_head: