Falkirk wheel and the kelpies at night Scotland


Nice :star_struck:

Which drone was this?


Says mavic 3 at the top :+1:t2:


So it does, ta :slight_smile:

Cracking quality given the low light eh?

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Looks fantastic me thinks :heart_eyes:

Was using night mode I will be honest , before I arrived I thought it was better light up than it was . Still getting used to night mode as well.
Thanks for the comments

Which 3 though ?

I’m not sure mate , i do know it’s before the classic was released :+1:t2:

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Scotland I’m impressed amazing sights !

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WOW excellent like all images.

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Spectacular. Amazing pics, thanks for sharing

And thank you for your post


Moved your post to one you created on the same subject

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Was done in dlog-M and this time using a DJI mini 4 pro.

Lovely photos John. I flew there last year, but during the daytime. :+1::+1:

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Thank you

I do recommend using dlog-m in night shoots rather than DJI night mode, my opinion you get way more detail in the photo / video. And as it a night shoot you don’t get a lot of colour and a colour boost in davinci resolve picks it up, again only my opinion.

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