First Drone Film

Hi everyone, just wanted to share my first drone film and see what you all think.

It started off as a showreel of a few clips taken over my first month or so (2 hours fly time). Then i added some more atmospheric audio cteated with udio and its turn into a short film.

I tried to colour grade the footage, realised i couldnt learn it in a day and ended up doing the classic thing and making it black and white with more then enough contrast to last a life time.

Id like to reshoot some of the places in a higher resolution, with nd filters, dlog m and with horizionSteady on.

Ive enjoyed this last month or so learning on the sim and just getting out there with the avata 2. MC3 is great but nothing compared to the fvp controller .

Anyone interested in collaborating on a prjoect or want some help editing give me a shout :flying_saucer:


This should have probably gone into the ‘videos by fvo drone’ category sorry !

Sorted :+1:

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Well done, I am not much of an expert on video but my two penn’orth :wink:

The music :scream: and why only 1080p


Cheers. My computers about as old as i am so i thought id stick to 1080p for a while. The quailty great straight out the camera to but deafo could do with some nd filters

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Liked that, the music was spot on, spooky and ethereal, nicely done…

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Great effort, love the black/white, soundtrack, cool clips, good atmosphere and artistic style!

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Fantastic - even more so considering this is a first effort :clap: :clap: It’s also great to keep these as a log so you can look back in a couple of years and see how far you’ve come! I realised a while ago that I find the editing and making videos part of the hobby to be a huge part of the enjoyment of it.

In terms of editing, I started with Adobe Rush which is super easy, and comes with some nice built in filters. I’ve now started trying with Premier Pro and yeah, quite the learning curve to say the least. Lots of LUTS and ‘Luminetri Colours’ (I kinda know what those are!)

I also recently got my first drone with the DJI O3 kit on it and the footage is just :star_struck: tbh.

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Cheers @DaveJaVu . I tried to use some of the things in the footage like the monument, tower and pylon as a wsy to edit between shots. And the movement of the camera as a transitions bewyween shoots too. But none of it was really intentional to begin with. I was listening to some field soundscape recordings on youtube and experimented with ai to make my own sound track.

Im using resolve as its free. Theres somethimg about editing and working thtough the edit thats quite therapeutic. Bit stressful at times though. If i had any hair id pulling it out. So no not therapeutic but i have enjoyed it.

Idliketo add some titles for an intro and outro. And im interested in matchmoving and photogrammetry and combining it all together with this dark atmospheric style might be what i start to pursue.

I use photoshop a fair bit and have looked at premier pro but not for a long time. Whats it like now?

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Um… pretty mind-boggling tbh. I’ve managed to learn some basic colour grading using the built in LUTS (and some free ones I found online) It is pretty much overkill for my skill level tbh, I have a feeling it does a bajillion more things than I need it to!

One of the frustrations, particularly when trying to learn is finding instructions for the exact version you’re using. So many times with YT instructional videos you get ‘click the x button to bring up the y console’ - yeah, well the version I have doesn’t have that x button where you do. And repeat. :man_facepalming:

Yeah i know exactly what you mean @DaveJaVu with the tutorials! Ive been following some resolve channels and they talk about colour space not just for the footage but your monitor, spacific camera and output. Its all good fun though!

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I have just discovered this capcut video editor.
Looks much easier than the Davinci Resolve that I am still struggling with.
And it is also Free.