First drone run and video

Hiya folks,

Well after flight anxiety, video editing learning curve and then showing it to the class anxiety I thought I’d share my first edited video.

Its of Worcester Chatherdral in my home city. I used the Air 3 as the grounds are a no fly zone so I had to stay over the River Severn.

Bit of a crash course (no pun intended) into Davinci Resolve afterwards, though colour grading was somewhat like my experience with still photography theory whgich helped.

Any feedback/advice on my flying, editing, cg etc happily accepted!


Nice job.
My only comment (not that I could do better) would be at the end of the first shot, it stops panning really suddenly. I don’t know if this is a setting in the controller (gimbal and expo setting??) or if it’s editing?
I liked the speed ramping

Overall a good job

Nice footage @Harlequin, just a little suggestion for your next flight: Kindly see if you can tilt your drone’s camera a little slowly whiles revealing the catheradral.

Overall, Kudos! :fist_right: :fist_left:

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Maybe for TOAL but there are no restrictions in the sky there

Hiya. It’s not on the maps but if you check the cathedral’s website it states they do t allow drone flights over cathedral grounds.

I agree, when I watched it back I thought it was a little abrupt, I’ve changed my settings in the app to see if it’s better next time out

I put a small pause in as the transition between the upwards footage to the forwards footage of the next clip seemed a bit abrupt.

I’m not sold on the look but I tried a slow down and speed up in the next clip and it was jerky so stuck with the pause

Hoping with experience I’ll find a better solution.

Nice one and I loved the music too

They can say what they want

They can control / restrict take off and landing from their grounds but as much as they may like to, they do not control the airspace above the cathedral.
If the CAA do not show it as a restricted zone, you are free to fly there.

Check DroneScene to confirm :slight_smile:


@Harlequin Nice little video there mate, @ianinlondon has a video on some real good setting for Gimbal/Expo etc, really helped me on that score

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While I agree with you that that’s technically the case I just preferred to follow the cathedral’s wishes and not run the risk of annoyance or bad will.

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Cheers, I’ll give them a go, got a few to try as it seems several of the drone YouTubers have different ones.

I’m finding that the “after release slow down” is making me miss where I wanted to be so I guess I need to learn I need to stop moving X degrees before the position I want to compensate.

There’s lot’s of youtubers out there, but as said Ian is the one to go for IMHO and he is also a member of GADC :wink:

Well with that pedigree how can he be wrong?! :slight_smile:

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@ianinlondon they’re talking about you

#tedstherealstar :o)

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Yeah but we have to make Ian feel loved too Chris :rofl: :rofl:

I am a raw beginner and bought Mini 3 Pro a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed your clear and relaxing music and video and would love to start editing videos like this, but where do you actually start? Are there editing programmes for drone flights out there?

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I’m in much the similar boat to yourself.

The reason I bought my drone is because I wanted to get images and video I couldnt achieve with my SLR, so I approached the results with tta sort of view. I already have Lightroom so I was sorted for stills, especially with RAW.

I basically googled free alternatives to Adobe Premiere and picked Davinci Resolve out of the list as it seemed a good fit for me.

It was then looking into a load of youtube videos about DR to find out how to do the things I wanted to do, e.g. the speed ups with what are called “speed ramps” before and after them.

You will also want to have a look at colour grading if you are shooting in anything other than “normal mode” and perhaps even so. This is how you make the footage look like it did when you took it rather than the much flatter version the othe rmodes will record.

You will come across lots of people trying to sell you magic LUTs which are basically a preset you can apply to your videos that change various settings, especially the colour grading. In my humble opinion I would keep your cash and learn how to do them yourself. For the Air 3 and the Mini 4 there are basic LUTs available from DJI for free and a quick google has found some free Mini 3 pros about if you want to try out a preset for quicker results.

Music wise, I came across Pixabay which sofar has been excellent, free to use on Youtube, though its good manners to quote the artist on your publish. Again theres a lot of people out the sponsored by xyz music providers that want you to pay a subs but I havent felt the need on my browse through Pixabay.

Anyway, I hope that helps as a starter for 10. Enjoy!

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Thank you so much, Harlequin, for your brilliant advice and help. It’s justabout getting started as I am a complete newby to all this but am so keen to improve. Really appreciate all your help and advice especially about LUTs. I will explore all your points raised and try to put them into practice. Many, many thanks for coming back to me on this.

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