First Residential Overview

I completed my first residential overview last week, which is linked below. It wasn’t without it’s issues and I learnt a great deal doing it. (For those interested my issues are detailed below the video). The compilation is broadly set to synch with the soundtrack which was requested by the owner.

Although I am happy with the outcome, I had to overcome problems. One was a lack of prep / willingness to present some of the outside to it’s best (garden pool/furniture covers all stayed on, garage was open and spilling out, car parked in the way e.t.c.). This was not a paid shoot and they had volunteered their house to me to compile as a favour in my own time, so I was hesitant to be pushy around this and just cracked on with what I had. My main issue was with the opening shot where I wanted to fly in and round through the driveway. The sun was low in the sky and made this impossible on the day, so I tried alternatives that, once the video was made at home, I realised just didn’t work owing to the messy garage and car. This meant I had to try and tidy up the beginning of the video by removing a chunk and replacing footage. I think I did an ok job at that but I have had feedback from fellow forum poster that there is too much of the front of the house at the start, which I will have to take on board. The drive is narrow with a high hedge so frontal aspects were limited.

I also deliberately chose to do a long / far away arc towards the end which does incorporate a busy road and then a hospital. The alternative was to stay close and remove this background detail however I was really keen to get that distance shot, as people are always fascinated having never seen their houses from this angle, and this usually means they would much rather see the shot despite this rather than remove it for the sake of a few additional visual details. Well that’s my view anyway - the majority of people just want to see as many angles and views as possible. This is an oddly located house (big house plonked in the middle of average suburbia) so I had to make decisions around shots / foreground detail versus different angles.

Interestingly, on the day I felt a bit pressured. I only have 2 batteries and lot’s I wanted to shoot. As this was for someone, I wanted to get it right and it was good to feel that pressure. I wasted a load of time on the attempted opening shot so it didn’t start well. But I relaxed once I had got enough to string something together. I have a 3rd battery on way, definitely need that going forward.

I am currently working on a massive video of a stately home I shot on Sunday which will kick this one into oblivion, but it will take a few weeks to get it edited and complete.


To add, I have done a load of research around music use. Youtube policy and rules state on my channel that across all my videos, the content owners permit their music to be used on Youtube and my channel is not affected. When I start doing anything paid (if that ever even happens) I won’t be using copyright music for obvious reasons. Any videos where I use known music are uploads I do in my own time / for leisure.

I am going to look at where to find non copyright sound that I can start using going forward if anything ends up taking off (no pun intended).

Video looks good you did a good job. Is the owner of the property aware its posted public. Just cover yourself.

Oh yes very much so - it was all agreed before the shoot. It is a starting point for me to demonstrate what can be done with a drone, so that if prospective others going forward want an idea of what can be done, they can see. I have a few other places, one nicer then this, in the pipeline that also are happy to be posted. But we are waiting for Spring for those.

I have put out various feelers locally over the past month or so and I have to say, it seems that in general people just aren’t fussed or have thought of this as an option. The problem is the really high end houses where people may want this won’t be searching local noticeboards and online pages, so I have no idea how to reach my target market.

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Local golf club or WI ;o)


Very nice.

If you are using something like Adobe Premiere to edit, I would suggest using Warp Stabilizer on a couple of shots, such as at around 2.25+, as this will remove the slight wobbles.

Also, I’d stick to a single transition type, usually a cross-fade, but that is just my preference.

Re music: Given that it has your company logo on there, I think this would constitute commercial use, regardless of whether you are paid or not - especially if you use this on your website as part of a portfolio. I use Envato Elements, or you may also want to look at AI generated music using something like Suno. Both require subscription, though. I am sure there are some truly free music files out there somewhere!

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There is of course Music by Eric Matyas in the members section. Royalty free, but Eric would like an acknowledgment in the credits :wink::wink:


Thanks for them music links, will have a peek.

I use Da Vinci, I know there is a stabilizer in it but haven’t had an opportunity to delve into that yet. I think the wobble is partly wind and partly satellite loss, I was under a wooden canopy on the sideways sweep and that was a “one take” only shot as I was rapidly approaching being out of battery power. Hadn’t even considered that anyone would pick up on it so thanks for making me aware :wink:

Crossfade is my favorite by far but I did want to demo alternatives on this hence the additional styles. A lot of transitions I can’t stand, triangles, circles and glitches to name a few.

I have thought about offering to do the golf clubs themselves, or hotels, or anything else of interest.

As far as I’m aware, YouTube allow copyrighted songs on, unless the channel is monetised ? ( not absolutely sure though )

Yes that’s right. All my vids have the song acknowledgement and state they are allowed etc

No, it’s not.

It largely comes down to YouTube’s Content ID system and what the copyright holder has said should be done if their music is used on a video. Of course, their preference could be different for monetised and non-monetised videos, but it’s still their choice.

It might be that all of the videos you’ve previously uploaded with copyrighted music have been allowed by the Content ID checks, but that doesn’t mean YouTube won’t block the next one if it uses music where the copyright holder has said it can’t be used.

Also, YouTube allowing music to be uploaded in no way absolves you of your legal responsibility not to breach a musician’s copyright. E.g. :point_down:

The music overlaid to my videos have the required permission, so there is no issue there. Each of my videos states such in my content menu - i.e this used copyright music however the content owner permits use. I just need to manually check each one to ensure they all follow suit.

As for the logo element, this is just to denote my footage and visual imagery. I don’t own a website or have a business. I think an owner would be hard pushed to be going after a small time hobbyist uploading videos to a public platform where their content has already been permitted for use by said platform.

Obviously I if I become a someone, or make it big time (this is never going to happen) I may need to review this, but I suspect that day will never come.

You’ve spent a fair bit of time recently talking about your business, your plans and your rates… :man_shrugging:

I have, but this is all in the pipeline. I haven’t got one yet. I haven’t officially started promoting myself and looking for paid work - I need to wait for various ducks to be in a row before I am ready to do so. Part of that is working out the music issue but also I want a decent foundation of demo material (which this may form part of and I am collating elsewhere) in order to point to, when people ask what I can do. I am doing all this as a hobbyist in my own time. I also need to consider tax implications and setting up a business officially via companies house, so I am still a little ol’ local chap with a drone until all the above is in place :slight_smile:

It maybe I do have to consider removing logos at that point. I don’t know what is going to happen yet. And any work I did for a third party company for their onward use would never have copyright music on.

Join up to be a member for the member benefits. Consider insured membership but if you are planning on doing it as a buisines then you will need to look into business insurance.

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Thanks Foley, have that set up ready to go with Coverdrone. But yes need to explore the music stuff I can use, particularly if the local estate agent who has made contact with me does throw work my way.

There are a lot of benefits by being a paid member to GADC. Worth it.


If you’re still looking for non copyright material for your videos then maybe give AshamaluevMusic a visit.


I forgot to mention that I use that link for my own videos including my recent one, “Baxter Park”; Baxter Park - Dundee and the music track used is called “Furthest”; Hope you or anyone else can get some use from it.