Flight permission Scotland

Good evening.

I will visit Scotland from the 7th to the 12th of September. We’re going to the Highlands until september 10 and I’d like to use the drone for a few minutes. There are a restriction over isle of Skye between 750 FT and 5000 FT, so I could flight my Mini 3 pro without problems. But I read that there are local restrictions to flight in touristic places.
Somebody knows something about that??
Other question.
How is the knowledge of the police of the laws on UAS flights?
In Spain sometimes is a nightmare speak with the police.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @Bct29976 , it looks as though you’re quite new here :wave:t2:

Why not nip over to the Introductions page, and say hello properly and tell us a bit about yourself. :+1:t2:

In the uk, including scotland and the islands, the maximum altitude you can fly above the ground is 400ft / 120m so yes there are restrictions between 750 & 5000ft.
If you mean you are climbing a mountain that are those heights you CAN take off from them you just CAN NOT go more than 400ft above the ground below the drone.

When I visited NATS page to check the restrictions The Highlands has a big zone where is imposible to flight. But the restriction in isle of Skie is over the Medium Sea Level (MSL), the lower limit is 750FT, that are 75000 feet. Am I right??

If it helps, this is the details of the restrictions in the area. Search the left column for EG R610B


It looks like the restrictions are announced as a NOTAM prior to the restrictions becoming active

Thanks a lot
It’s activated by NOTAM.
I’ve found this page to check NOTAM:


Let me know if you use another one.

If you are a member of this site, you can access our own Drone Scene.

This allows you to select which layers are visible, and one of them is NOTAMS



And don’t forget to video :popcorn:

I have a doubt.
Is possible to flight in a SSSI?. It’s a yellow zone and I’m not sure about this.
For example, over The Storr

Depends on the reason for the SSSI if it is for nesting birds then its best to avoid but if for rock formations or a type of plant then you should be ok if you follow the SSSI link or take a look at the DEFRA map it will give info on why the SSSI is in place in order for you to make an informed GO/NO GO decision… https://magic.defra.gov.uk/MagicMap.aspx

Also check out the Low flying timetable to see when the EGR610 is active, although if in doubt then ring the Low Flying team - weekends and evenings are usually clear too… Military low flying: RAF operational low flying training timetable - GOV.UK

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