Flying a drone/permission in Amsterdam

so has anyone gone to amsterdaam at all and registered a flight and has it been straight forward as yourt basically near the airport and most of the airport CTR covers it. just wondering if anyone knows if easy to log a flight plan an get permission to fly? so does this look like once i submit a form on the godrone app i have to wait for approval from the helpdesk/ LVNL?

drone flights in CTR’s Beek, Eelde, Lelystad, Rotterdam and Schiphol

In the Netherlands, flying with a drone is seen as a VFR flight. VFR flights are subject to certain legal requirements. If you fly your drone in a CTR, you need a clearance of the tower traffic controller. You must also submit a flight plan and the obligation of two-sided radio contact (RTF) applies.

Plan via GoDrone

By planning a mission in GoDrone, you meet the obligation to submit a flight plan. Moreover, you can pass on your intended call sign in the comments in GoDrone. Your callsign is a combination of:

  • Unmanned, plus
  • A Logical Acronym of the Company Name

Suppose that Dutch Drone Organisation chooses a callsign, then it becomes Unmanned DDO.

Rules in the CTRs

For drone flights in CTR van Beek, Eelde, Lelystad, Rotterdam and Schiphol the following rules apply:

  • At least 24 hours before the start of the flight, you ask for (provisional) permission from the Operational Help Desk. You submit a mission plan via GoDrone.
  • You submit a flight plan (mission plan) via GoDrone for each series of consecutive flights within one flight area. In several flight areas: one flight plan per flight area.
  • Once the drone lands between flights for a period of more than 60 minutes (within one flight area), the two consecutive flights are considered two independent flights. In that case, you must submit a flight plan (mission plan) for both flights and request a clearance.

Preliminary Consent and clearance

The Operational Helpdesk coordinates your mission plan with the control tower and gives a preliminary consent, depending on the situation. The real permission to fly, the clearance, you get from the tower traffic controller.

To monitor the workload of tower controllers, LVNL can set a maximum for the number of drone flights that take place simultaneously in a CTR. When this maximum is reached, you will not receive provisional permission from the Operational Helpdesk. For safety reasons, the tower controller can also decide not to grant clearance, or to (temporarily) withdraw a previous clearance

NOTAM required for certain drone flights

Civil airspace

For the following drone flights a NOTAM must be issued:

  • drone flight outside UDP;
  • drone flight in a civilian low-fly zone;
  • drone flight in (un)controlled civil airspace, which goes higher than 120 m and/or has a flight area with a radius larger than 500 m (this requires ILT).