So i took advantage of the runway closure and saught after approval and got it ! here are some pictures of the said flight! video will be edited soon on my Yuoutube channel!
Opportunity well taken. It goes to show that it’s always worth asking ATC - worst they can say is no!
sure was! sadly the weather wasnt great but when my alotted time frame was coming to an end the skys were starting to look a lot less bleak n misty ha! but got what i could!
I don’t know, I think the mist adds a lot. Very atmospheric shots. Nicely done
Did you not get a top-down on the control tower
hah sadly not! when i kept getting near it kept glitching! and video feed lost at 1 point so wasnt gonna risk it!
I’ve been delivering to DHL next door to the airport and often thought about taking the drone with me for such an occasion. I’ll defo take it now in case the opportunity arrises. Great pics.
Yea its not just a oh lets get permission kinda thing, its a gotta wait for full runway closures and then back n forth emails and calles to ATC and ops saefty team gotn2 more Wednesdays i believe for the window
Yes, I’ve had similar dealings with Teesside airport.
I’ve flown twice within EMA FRZ. Always found ATC quite easy to deal with. They did limit the heights of my flights to 30m and 45m though.