I Have Seen People Flying Drones in Seaton Carew and Sharing Videos from there, But On Drone Assist it saids this is a restricted area , Does Anyone Know if you can Fly Here?
What does Drone Scene say?
Chances are if you’re looking at drone assist then it will have the class D air space layer turned on. this doesn’t affect drone flights as its only active above the 400ft restriction witch we can’t fly above anyway.
Hi i don’t have Class D airspace on, If you Check Seaton Carew on The Map, It Shows its Crown Estuary land but it’s in a restricted zone
I see no restrictions. but I do see loads and loads of crown estate foreshore to take off and land from
Looks fine to me, I’d fly there
Drone assist would hint its a flight prohibited area due to a nuclear power plant. Drone Scene agrees.
However, as is pretty common DJI Geo has no such restriction. It’s database is woefully inaccurate and many restricted areas show as OK meaning people are able to take off and fly there without realising its illegal.
Basically DJI Geo allows you to fly in many places you shouldn’t as its data is incomplete. Most people don’t realise or check and fly without ever knowing.
https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2016/1003/pdfs/uksi_20161003_en.pdf specifically mentions a restriction for Hartlepool for all aircraft (inc drones).
Ah ok thanks, So the People Posting Photos and Videos from here are breaking restrictions, I Have Seen a Lot of people flying Here
Not necessarily, they could have requested permission
Example thread below
They either requested permission or, more likely, are unaware they’re breaking restrictions as DJI doesn’t tell them.