I’m visiting family in Skegness in a couple of weeks and taking it as an opportunity to go fly my drone in a new area too!
Looking at Drone Scene, the beach right next to their house seems to fall within both a yellow warning zone for ‘Training’ and ‘Airport’ and also a DJI yellow zone.
So 2 questions on this as I’m fairly new to this!
Can you still fly within a yellow zone, it appears to me as more of a warning to be more aware for other aerial vehicles
Similar question again but does the DJI yellow zone physically restrict you from flying or just impose a warning/height restriction?
It actually isn’t too far a walk to get out of all the yellow zones so I’m likely to take this option but I’m interested to learn about the above as there are similar restrictions around my local area
This is one of the things I found hardest to get to grips with when I was starting out. So much of the information you find is worded vaguely. Even FRZs say, “…operation of your drone may be hazardous or prohibited.” I find this very mild language for an area where flying may be a criminal offence that could land you in prison!
The more experienced seem to suggest that the yellow zones are more of an indication that you should definitely keep your wits about you, but you’re okay to fly there.
I tend to use these overlays as a default, which I believe to be the most important ones.
In the case of your location, I was surprised that it’s just a yellow zone because it’s for an airfield. It may only be a couple of strips in a field, but that’s more or less what Derby airfield is, and that has a full-on FRZ.
A little research:
I don’t know whether that’s any help or not. Looks like it’s currently closed, but I can’t tell if that just means “unmanned” and light aircraft may still make use of it as long as they phone ahead.
I agree, I find the wording on these warning and restriction zones very vague!
I was equally surprised about the airfield, although I have a few local ones to me that appear exactly the same as the Skegness one.
The information on the airfield is interesting, it does appear that there’s still a possibility of encountering some sort of air traffic!
I’ll likely talk to my family to see if they know more as they’ve lived there for years but as I say, safest bet is to just walk down the beach a bit and steer clear I think!
Area Z is Class D airspace. As far as flying a drone, or any other model aircraft, there are no restrictions other than those laid out for users in u restricted airspace.
Areas X and Y are DJI’s own interpretation, but in actuality it is still the same Class D airspace as region Z and the same restrictions (or lack of) apply.
Point Z on the map also denotes the location of my model flying club, where we have an authorisation allowing us to fly to a maximum of a 1000ft ceiling. This is for fixed wing craft and excludes model helicopters, Quads, and all other forms of horizontal rotor models.
In regards to the authorisation your model flying club has, I presume this is something that is just known by the club and it’s members? (and the obvious authorities who granted it!)
Just asking as I assume there is no way of knowing that from the maps?
Many BMFA affiliated clubs, those outside of class D Airspace, have this readily granted. The reason for this is that many of us fly large scale aerobatics, jets, and thermal gliders, all of which can exceed 400ft in a matter of seconds.
However because our club is in Class D Airspace we had to seek a special authorisation, we also have to inform LBA ATC when we intend to fly above 400ft.
Great, thanks again
Very new to all this so interesting to learn. Before buying a drone, it had barely crossed my mind about the amount of different rules and laws involved in the airspace above us!!