Thanks for those suggestions, The Stiperstones certainly look like a great spot. Are there any restrictions that you know of regarding flying my drone there?
I’m a little cautious now, there wasn’t all of the restrictions and negative vibes regading drones when I was flying them five years back.
As far as I can see there is nothing at the Stiperstones themselves, however RAF Shawbury, Sleap airfield, & the Long Mynd gliding club are all within a short flying distance.
NATS Drone Assist shows nothing preventing flying just South of Pennerley, around the area identified as ‘The Bog’ so I’d imagine that would be fine. I’m waiting for my remote to get back from having the charging fault fixed so can’t get over there this week but will asap and report back.
That’s good to know, I’ll add it to “The List”
I notice there’s a visitor centre there and a few remains of an old lead mine.
(Minsterly Ranges is nearby so best not fly to close to that, don’t want to become target practice).