I’ve printed the very same. I’m a disgusting nail nibbler and this really works well.
Well, I keep throwing my car keys on the table when I get home, I never seem to find them when I need them …
So I downloaded and printed this holder , with 3m double sided sticky tape it is now safely on the wall , where I can find them…
I have a set of his original tri-blades printing out right now. I’ll let you know…
Designed and 3D printed a stand for my Mini 3 that has a small 40mm USB fan on it to keep it cool while transferring data and updating firmware. Works real well. It also all unclips apart so it can be put inside most carry bags.
Used Fusion360 to do the design. Fan is just a 4010 5V USB fan off Amazon.
Link to Fan:
ANVISION 40mm x 10mm DC 5V USB Brushless Cooling Fan, Dual Ball Bearing, YDM4010B05 https://a.co/d/gvLpmRq
What are you paying for it?
That was the guys write up on Thingiverse, I would just use Ultimaker Cura 5.2.1 to slice it , and the fan is to purchase on Amazon for the model…
Oh the way I read the post was you designed it
I did look at his profile, he’s from Melbourne
I am not that clever LOL… just started getting into 3d Printing …
Me too, and been looking at CAD software and saw you had designed that
Have you looked at https://www.freecad.org/ ?
It’s very close to what I use at work (SolidWorks/CATIA), although slightly limited, but I’ve been able to design a few parts with it.
The annoying thing about “proper” CAD is that a lot of them make very hard work of editing STL files. STL is really just a point cloud and proper CAD prefers a list of geometric features (planes, pads, holes, sweeps, etc).
I’ve not tried Tinker CAD myself - gave up as soon as I was asked to create an account. If I want to modify something that I only have an STL for, I’ll generally just remodel it from scratch.
I have found the same thing . and also take a “Big hammer” approach, but not as big as remodelling from scratch.
- Make solid and slice up in Meshmixer if I need to.
- Fill in where needed (holes/thread…)
- create changes
using either OpenSCAD (Suits my brain better) or FreeCAD, the first option I tried
That is cool
Wayne are they just for personal or would you do one to order @ cost etc ….
I have shared the links from my Tinkercad page so anyone can download and print
I will print you one seeing as you don’t have a printer
Thanks Wayne, would it be rude of me too kindly ask for grey if poss please, or beggars can’t be choosers , really appreciate it, I’ll pay the costs etc.
That printer is certainly working overtime