They look interesting Deano how long do they take to discharge roughly?
Hours lol discharging is one of the worst most time consuming parts of the hobby so make sure you fly all your packs if you can to avoid it lol
Not always possible though so get used to it as well lol
I will fly all of my packs for sure… IF I don’t crash in the first 3mins and break my Quad beyond use (which is a very likely possibility judging by my sim flights)
One of these, modified for the retrieval of drones from trees
And just in case it didn’t sink in the first time I said it.
I bulk brought my props from banggood dirt cheap on there
Good idea Martin
Don’t worry Deano it’s sunk in mate lol I have 5 sets on order to start me off and then I will look for a bulk buy too
Any recommendations on props by the way? Beginner props rather than the expensive pro ones until I get the hang of it lol
all props are cheap, compared to the FPV hobby
Obviously buy props to fit your frame so 5 inch props
Then you’re looking at the pitch of the prop a higher pitch prop will give more thrust but will be less efficient. Lower pitch props will be more efficient and would be more suitable for cruising rather than tight and aggressive turns.
You’re not wrong there Steve mate There’s always something else you need lol
In my experience 2nd wives are more understanding, I think they realise that the first one is the hardest to get rid of.
The ones I’m looking at are 5450 I think Deano? I’ll go check
These props are very nice to fly with. Also come in yellow I think
Do they not come in a nice scarlet red to match my motors on take-off or a muddy brown to match my motors on landing?
I use these
only £2.50 a set of 4
Yes, red to take-off but how the hell are you going to get up there to change them to brown for the landing
Either will be fine Steve as long as they match on take off or landing (crashing) lol
Or the colour of Steve’s finger.