I’m surprised he could even remember
Its finally spring! The birds are singing, the fresh cut grass aroma is in the air. The alcoholics are on the park bench. Nice friendly guys… anyway…
Its the final weekend to get your powerloop entry in.
If your partner asks you this… you can reply…
Be positive and confident
Get out there and own this trick, like erm, its your own.
I know whatever you come up with, its all because of your hard work, grit, moral fibre, sheer single minded nature and 98% luck
I’ve been trying all day… 8 packs… Still couldn’t do it.
Try in simulator
The sim is extremely stuttery on my laptop, that’s even on lowest possible settings. To be fair, my laptop is older than my son and running win10 so it’s slow. .
I’m heading out today to try again.
I have exactly the same issue Gary lol I had recently installed Steam on my works laptop which was much better but was shortly followed by an email from the IT department demanding I remove the “un authorised software” from my laptop immediately
That’ll be you told then. I don’t really use the computer so I don’t see the need to upgrade it, I’ll just need to keep crashing. .
That was my last attempt.
That was close Gary, next time youll have it
Thought have a go at this today. First ever power loops attempt, why not do it over concrete! Yay they said! Anyways, 5 loops, think second the best, 5th definately not
Thanks for organising!
Doing your first powerloops over concrete, fairplay that man
Well done managed to enter in last minute