This weeks round is now open for @Kings to post their chosen photo via WeTransfer
The Rules:
You may post as many edits as you like, but please tell us which one you would like added to the poll. If not then your last entry will be used.
No adding of objects or replacement of skies etc. Removal of objects is permitted. Posts with added items may be shown but will not be included in any polls and will not be counted as an entry. You have until 7pm on Friday the 3rd March to get your entries in. Editing and entries are open as soon as the link is provided. Once the poll is open you will be invited to vote for up to three of your favourite edits. Please do not vote for your own, doing so will result in your own entry being withdrawn. @group-challenges
@crapflyer i think the kind words are for @mynameisjoe, I have no doubt he’ll be pleased with the nice comment, jokes aside if mine is looking BW, please let me know as I’ve just had a reminder for eye test seriously too !