Fun and Friendly Edit Challenge - 24th March - CLOSED

@thewhoosh please post a link using WeTransfer for us to edit in the next round. The next round is open as soon as Keith can manage to get us a new canvas.

I know you all read, understand, and abide by them, but for any newcomers:

You may post as many edits as you like, but please tell us which one you would like added to the poll. If not then your last entry will be used.
No adding of objects or replacement of skies etc. Removal of objects is permitted. Posts with added items may be shown but will not be included in any polls and will not be counted as an entry. You have until 7pm on Sunday 2nd April to get your entries in.
Once the poll is opened you will be able to vote for up to 3 entries.
Please don’t vote for your own, doing so will invalidate your entry.
Voting is open to all members, whether they have an entry or not.

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Here we go, I reset the RAW dng pano to default

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Back to file sizes:

I have an old 8core processor and 32Gb memory. It copes with most of what I throw at it in GIMP or in Resolve but Luminar 4 and a 220Mb file defeat it unless I reduce the size of the file.

The long side of this was 13000 or so pixels, I have a 24 inch 2560x1440 display, I believe a number of people use laptops, tablets or phones to enter this competition. Most display devices are going to be hard pushed to show some of the images we have been treated to at 1:1 size.

This file, full size, took over aminute to render and was corrupted - a section of the image greyed out. At 2000px on the long side the same render from *.dng to *.png took a few seconds with noartefacts.

Just throwing that out there for anyone else who is experiencing problems with the edits …

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A resized version for you :smiley:
WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free

(size 800k)


Thanks for that though I prefer to use the original *.dng with as much info as possible and work toward a *.webp from there. I was more in the vein of trying to give a couple of pointers to those who may be struggling with underpowered kit like me.

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Black and White again for me on this.

I thought about cropping it tight against the outcrop but the trees on either side were too interesting to loose ( IMO ).


B&W here too



My attempt


Here’s my go


some nice entries so far :+1:. It’s a very interesting moody pic. Thanks Keith

Here’s my ENTRY





My entry:-


Interesting how many of us have opted to go the B&W route for this image

Rushed my edit , not the border effect I was after , I saw it some time in the last week but can’t remember where :man_facepalming:, it was a b/w image and the border was ever so slightly less exposed but a very clear sharp line

Poll will go up sometime today, sorry for the delay. I had 9 hours travelling yesterday, by the time I got into my accommodation and had food it was way past my bedtime :yawning_face:


The usual rules apply
Vote for up to three edits, but not your own, please
Voting will close on Thursday 6th at 7pm

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Well done @Drumsagard (John) and @Kirky (Richard) both very nice edits. :+1:
Instead of me having a casting vote, I invite you both to supply an image for the next round which will open soon. Once again, thanks all for your contributions, there were some tasty edits in there.

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