@McSteamy2010 please post a pic of your choosing, preferably using WeTransfer when time allows. As soon as it is posted you can all start your butchery.
If you don’t normally read the rules, please do so this time as at the end there is some important info.
The Rules:
Create and post as many edits you like.
All editing is allowed in this round, absolutely anything goes, so please feel free to get really creative and do whatever floats your boat.
Entries can be submitted until 7pm on Sunday 23rd July.
After this round is concluded we shall be taking a very short break, so please make this round worth your while, extra points shall be awarded for the most creative and most entertaining.
Back on the flip side… okay I’ve dusted off the portfolio and been through with a fine tooth comb
and I’m pleased to say that, that one went straight in the bin and no one has to see it! Thank me later.
In the second box though I came across this shot, Brean Down sunset Enjoy!
Yea, the sun was murdering my ocd I couldn’t calm it down , love the picture @McSteamy2010 too, @clinkadink the mountain was a freebie it came with the sky replacement
Just a reminder in case anyone missed this in the changed rules for this round
Create and post as many edits you like. Yes that means you can have more than one entry. All editing is allowed in this round. And yes, that means exactly what is says on the tin.
The same mean-spirited people who judge the fast and furious and the RTF will be on Challenge duty. The Birthday Challenge and Treasure Hunt is a complex operation so all their efforts will be diverted to running and (ineffectually!) controlling that operation.
Normal service will be resumed once the tears have washed the bloodstains away!
Richard, the Challenge will shortly be underway. It may seem complex but the premise is simple - we would like you to attempt a variety of subjects and gain a point for each one. Each subject has a number of bonuses attached, the more you find the more points you get.
The idea is both to provide you with six weeks of planning, research and flying, six weeks of fun and a healthy competition within a lively thread. You may find yourself attempting certain things you haven’t tried before . Give it a whirl!
Thanks rob
Yes I’ll give it a go, I also understand that will take up much time & work by yourself, which I can only imagine is probably way more time consuming than the other comps or RTF, thank you for explaining it to me, I’ll keep my eyes open for the rules to come
Regards rich