General 3D printing questions and answers, tips and tricks

@DeanoG60 Pretty chuffed with that :grinning:

My daughter is well impressed :grin:

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Looks good mate :ok_hand:t2:

The biggest bit of advice I can give is to make sure you keep your filament dry. The dryer it is the better it prints :slightly_smiling_face:

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I know have an enclosure for my Lilygo T display :grinning:

Sign me up for a print please Wayne mate :slight_smile:

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Its already on the bed :wink:

Diamond :bowing_man:t2:

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First of many upgrades on the go :grin: thanks @DeanoG60

it will look like this in no time:


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A few things i learnt very quickly. (and you have already hit a couple)

  • bed levelling is a pain, and then some!
  • Even slightly damp filament is a nightmare (use a food dehydrator/filament dryer box) and store in a vacuum bag. (<50% humidity)
  • Use Sunlu filament. It prints great on mine (60/200) try a temperature tower to help fine a good temp for the filament ( Temp Tower )
  • there is even a difference between how different colours of the same filament behave. Run a test on each one.
  • Don’t touch Dremel filament (a nightmare to use on my ender)
  • even a slight draft makes a huge difference
  • be patient and don’t be scared to adjust, even while printing

thats a really good benchy!

My first ever print that Martin :grinning:

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This 3D printing malarkey is addictive :grinning:


Where is the best place to order the filament

And what’s best to get, I have only used PLA that came with the printer

Tpu is useful. It’s very flexible. As long as you keep your filament dry like Deano said, any is good. Amazon :+1:



And that’s the second-most reason I’m not buying one :rofl:

(same as the whole FPV malarkey!)

The stuff you play with :grin: you defo need one :wink:

You would love it :joy:

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A 3d printer was the most useful tool I have ever bought.


It’s amazing and therapeutic :grin:

Filament prices are through the roof right now. but brands I recommend and places to purchase from

Filament brands I’ve used with awesome results are:


my eSun and Sunlu came from amazon

and the 3DJake stuff I got from 3DJake direct but it comes from the EU so takes a few days to arrive but its very good stuff.

also as stated above different colours can have mega different results and require different settings. Ive had particular issues with the neon green managed to get it to print right after a lot of trial and error but just something to be mindful of :+1:t2:

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Nozzle size?

Does anyone else use a size other than the standard 0.4mm?

nope, never found a need.