So, having taken quite a few still pictures in the past, I know the importance of getting the white balance right. As a new drone owner, I’m now keen to take control of the camera and one of the settings is the colour temperature in degrees Kelvin. I guesstimated it previously but have now found a good iPhone app that works really well. If nothing else it’ll ensure that there’s one less setting to fiddle with in post-processing. I Tried it out today against the clouds and it works really well. At the time of writing it costs £6.99 for a lifetime registration, so no subscriptions. Hope this helps!
Just out of curiosity, have you, or did you cross reference the reading from the app with the white balance set on auto with the drone, if so was there a marginal difference ?
The biggest problem you will find is that you are measuring the colour temperature looking upwards from the ground, and the drone is (usually) looking downwards from the sky - in a totally different direction … some time afterwards where clouds may change the amount of blue sky that’s lighting your subject, etc.
Except for extreme conditions, I fix mine at “Cloudy” (DSLR, too) and worry about things until post, rather than waste time when I want to be taking vids/pics.
Adjusting RAW images, or Log video, in post is pretty damned easy in all editing software … and the chances of not ever editing a pic/vid before posting/uploading somewhere pretty remote.
And … chances are … when you do want to upload/post somewhere urgently, it’s not going to an audience where colour temp will be noticed.
I’d also add that, if you have an awesome sunrise/sunset … you’re going to wash out all that colour by using the light’s colour temperature as your setting for the camera.
Can’t beat a blue-sky setting for enhancing (falsifying/distorting/exaggerating) them Golden Hour hues …