Glenfinnan viaduct extra visitor in shot

Glenfinnan Viaduct Photos taken on 6.08.20

My daughter took this photo of the Viaduct today under my supervision I was videoing let her take some photos can you see extra Visitor in the viaduct shot he or she got very close to the bridge On the opposite side from where she was flying there where other drone on the other side as well.


Great set and a stunning location to fly - probably the reason it gets so many visitors :grinning:
I guess events like this go some way to support the Drone Code :thinking: :thinking:


Great photos! I was at Glenfinnan 2 weeks ago and it was the same, several drones in the air. At one point I looked up and one was hovering about 50ft above my M2P. Having spoken to Alistair (the landowner) only one other person had permission to fly but I counted 4 drones in the area, one of which was from a group of tourists. He was flying a mini about 10ft over the tops of heads of the people on the hillside.

Just out of interest, where did you take off/land for the final photo of the monument?
I thought of trying it but there were too many people about and wasn’t sure where I could take off from.

I Took off from here there was not a lot of people about when took off but there where when I landed so just be careful you could go early that way there will not be many people about.

Cheers! :+1:

If you want to take a photo of the train I would not go up to the viewing point to many people I took off from near the bridge nobody there.

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Hi Naz
some good images you and your daughter took they look really good. I will have to try and get to that location and give it a go. How often does a train go by any idea.

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Twice in a day

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would you happen to know the times.?

Yeah, I took off from just up past the bridge up the hillside a bit. Wanted to keep well away from the crowds.


Train leaves Fort William at 10.15 and gets to Glenfinnan about 30-35 mins later. On the way back from Mallaig it gets to Glenfinnan approx. 3pm. The day I was there it must have been running late as it didn’t get to the viaduct till about 10.55. I was starting to worry in case my battery ran it before it got there lol.

Sorry for not replying Barry I am out and about no phone signal.

Wow!! That scenery looks absolutely gorgeous.


Come on guys are you telling me no body Saw extra visitor it was a helicopter in first picture top right it got so close to the bridge that some drone had to get out of the way the train stopped on the bridge I thought it had broke down must have been for the helicopter.


I saw it … but from a single shot I couldn’t determine what happened next. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was running very low on battery had to land a minute before it got close I was lucky daughter got these shots could not find any better picture but will have a look when I get home in next couple of days.

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How did you get in touch with Alistair? I’m up there soon and was going to try and get some pictures too…

You just phone him I will pm his number to you

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Hi all
To contact Alister his phone number is on all the no drone flying notices around the site
A small change is payable and he may ask a couple of basic questions about the drone code