I’ll chip in as someone who took part last year and not this. I’m just going to brain-dump this, so it might not be particularly coherent.
The primary reason, which has absolutely nothing to do with the competition itself, is that I’m simply not flying the DJI very much. I’ve checked Airdata and I’ve been out on 9 occasions in 2022 for a total of 91 minutes flying time. Most of those were for RTFs that I knew I could do easily and relatively locally.
I was actually looking forward to the Birthday Challenge in the hopes that it would get me out and about again, but I confess, despite not intending to be “in it to win it,” when I read the subjects for this year’s challenge, and thought about how much effort it had been last year, and about how much faith I’ve lost in my Mavic Mini recently*, I found it hard to work up the enthusiasm.
So, when it came down to it, despite just having had a fortnight off work with no other plans, which should have been the perfect opportunity, I ended up not doing. I did glance at the list another couple of times, but despite the fact that there were probably plenty of them that I could have done, knowing from last year that you had to play a pretty perfect game to be in the running, and looking at how much dogged determination, combined with sheer luck, would be required for the high scores, I simply didn’t bother starting.
I couldn’t tell you if I’d have joined in had the prizes only been Badges and kudos, but I do wonder if it might be easier not to win if you don’t feel like you’re losing, if you see what I mean. I appreciate that sounds a bit huffy and ungrateful. I honestly think it’s fabulous that the prizes are so generously put forward.
So, yes, I think it was mainly a “me” issue. Suggesting there shouldn’t be prizes just because I know I’m not going to win seems very petty, and, as has been noted, it’s supposed to be a challenge, so you can’t be doing with making it too easy.
Congratulations to everyone who did take part, especially the winners.
* Footnote:
The past couple of times I’ve flown the Mini I have been literally in the middle of nowhere and still suffered from interference and data link connection losses within 40’ of the home point. It was always a little flaky in built-up areas, but now I feel I just can’t trust it anywhere, and that’s really killed the enjoyment for me. This is probably the main factor in my not taking part in the challenge this year.
I’ve been pondering Drone Hacks to see if it helps (downgraded from thoughts of
buying a better drone) but I’m not sure if I can be bothered with the expense and faff even of that. Can you see a pattern emerging here?