Hi there,
I have just purchased a used Phantom 4 which was demonstrated working to me. But, at home, I just can’t get it to connect to my mini ipad 3? Any suggestions would be most gratefully received
Hi there,
I have just purchased a used Phantom 4 which was demonstrated working to me. But, at home, I just can’t get it to connect to my mini ipad 3? Any suggestions would be most gratefully received
Hi and welcome.
Just to check a few things , are you using DJIGO and not the DJIFLY app ?
Have you tried a different cable ?
Like @milkmanchris said, check your using the correct app and try a different cable.
I use the iPad mini 4. The 3 should work but getting on a bit as far as specs go.
If your really stuck im not far from you. Could meet you half way and take a look.
Add try another device phone/tablet to see if that works
Thanks for the swift replies and helpful suggestions. I tried the Phantom out with my big ipad and it worked fine. So in keeping with normal Apple philosophy - on the ipad mini3 I deleted the app, checked for an ois update (it was doing one in the background), waited until it finished, downloaded the DJI go4 app again and it all worked!!! So again thanks for all the suggestions and making me feel at home in this forum.