Just passed my GVC. Can’t wait to get out there flying now.
Grats … who did you do it with?
Heliguy. Learned a lot. Now to start doing it in the real world for business and pleasure.
Congratulations I’ve got mine shortly with Heliguy, do you have any tips for the flight assessment?
A little nervous about it especially remembering all the emergency procedures
Take your time, stay relaxed, keep your eyes and ears open. If you see or hear anything that might be a hazard, stop until it’s cleared. When I did mine, I had the app playing up refusing to take a photo, police helicopter buzzing around, light planes diverted from another field, buzzards circling around, herons flying to and fro, Canada geese flying over, just tell the examiner there’s a hazard and they’ll take it into account. Mine was with UAVHUB.
Good luck, but you probably won’t need it.