This question seems to be doing the rounds, and i cant find a clear answer on the below. Any Assistance appreciated
Whats better to record in H264 v H265
in H265, is 10-bit better or what subsetting?
Is there a noticeable quality difference?
Premier Pro works flawlessly with H264 (Smooth Playback) however H265 Stutters and jumps when previewing clips. (Unsure if this is an Adobe issue or? I have a serious machine with little impact on resource, 16-Core, 64GB RAM, NVMe SSD, 2080TI.
H.265 is a better codec which requires less space but is a pig to edit.
H.265 10bit is always better to capture more colour detail and make use of the M2Ps full dynamic range but for the average Joe prob overkill.
That’s subjective. There probably is for those skilled enough to make use of it and exporting to less compressed export codecs. For youtube probably not.
With H.265 you absolutely have to use proxy files with premiere.
My experience,
I tried many times to work with 10 bit H.265 on both Resolve studio and Premiere CC.
With proxy files on premiere and optimised media on resolve I can get playback/scrubbing silky smooth but had countless problems on export.
I eventually gave up and now have a load of good videos I can’t do anything with.
Sticking with H.264 normal profile until such a time I can revisit it.
My laptop might not be up to job. i7 6820HQ with 10% OC, 32GB DDR4, 256GB NVMe and Gtx 980 8GB.
Happy to hear any tips from anyone who is currently editing 10 bit from M2P.
I gave up with H.265 as well. As I currently don’t have a 10 bit display, I wouldn’t see any benefit of using the whole enhanced colour gamut anyway.
My understanding is that 10 bit is of most use in the providing extra flexibility in the processing stage, for example, for low light images where you can extract a subset of the total colour gamut for outputting as H264
I just looked at the OP’s kit list - wow, that’s a serious graphics card you’ve got there- I’m jealous! You have to figure if that card can’t handle the processing, it’s got to be a software issue.
Am editing and working with h265 and 4K on my two iPad pros 2017 and 2018 with absolutely no stuttering issues of any sort. I guess these iPads are pretty powerful these days.
Also have a Xeon 12 core workstation with lashings of ram and a reasonable video card and that’s absolute pants for 265 and / or 4K.
I’ll be sticking with the iPads…