I’ve been having a nosey around in Google Earth. Whilst I can see elevation (displayed where ever my mousepointer is located on the map), I can’t find any suitable UK contour overlays online.
Has anyone got a URL or a good source I could use?
If you go to Google earth, select preferences and then change elevation exaggeration to 3 it helps a lot. Need to you zoom down/ lower your viewing altitude.
Not a google earth overlay but it does help with being able to see the contours of the earth a lot better.
Thanks @R0CKEYES. I’ve done as you’ve suggested… and zoomed right in, but I’m not seeing any changes on areas which I know are really hilly/steep. I tried restarting GE, but no luck.
If you go to Lat 51°13’28.70"N, Long 0°31’44.59"W (St Martha’s Church), this point has an elevation of 174m. If you head south - see attached - the Test Pin is at 46m. Perhaps this gradient isn’t steep enough to show the contours you describe?