Has anyone else experienced a strange ‘bucking bronco’ behaviour of the Mini 4 Pro?

Hi all,
Over the past few weeks I have noticed this strange 'bouncing" behaviour a few times recently, and this morning I managed to get some ‘evidence’ of what’s happening.

Flying straight ahead (on cruise control), the drone suddenly ‘bucks’ up and down…. The drone is flying straight and level, but the back end seems to bounce up and down (similar to how an out of control car can fish tail side to side, but this is up and down).

I have attached a screen recording, and this issue occurs 3 times in the recording - you can see the blue ‘horizon’ shoot up and down in the Attitude Indicator display in the bottom left corner of the screen:

  • 0:10 to 0:13 seconds
  • 0:14 to 0:18 seconds
  • 0:22 to 0:25 seconds

I notice at about 0:10 seconds that the OA alerts about downward obstacles at 4m, but it doesn’t do it for the other occurrences, so I suspect this is not the cause.

Has anyone else experienced this weird ‘bouncing’ behaviour of the Mini 4 Pro?

It’s very intermittent! I have tried switching the OA to nifty, and it still does it. I tried turning the OA off, and it didn’t do it, but when I turned the OA back on, it still didn’t do it…. so inconclusive unfortunately.
I never saw this behaviour with my Mini 2 …. Is it faulty? Is it a setting?

Does anyone have any clues on what might be happening?

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I would upload the flight log to AirData then post the AirData link on here - can have a better a look at what’s happening then :+1:

Could the drone be flying into air pockets that are less dense?
If so, wouldn’t it have to compensate for the loss of lift by pitching up to maintain elevation?

Ive just had a look at the AirData, and there doesn’t seem to be anything that I can spot… unfortunately, I kept repeating the flight up and down the area, turning OA on and off, (trying to video the behaviour), but these config changes are not logged in the flight data.
The only thing I can spot is where I was switching it into Cruise Control - it was happening on several of those Cruise Control runs, but I have no idea which :frowning:

It may be the bottom sensor as the drone is low and it could be momentary picking up the bushes etc on the ground


It is worth a test in the same location but higher than 10m

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I’d say this may be the case as well… I tend to get that every now and then when sea flying and around the same height as sensors are detecting waves below.

I’ll give that a go …… I’ll update on here once I have tried it (it may be a little while as it doesn’t happen all the time)!

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The drone is going into ‘detour’ flight mode for the entire flight.
Apparently, this indicates that APAS and/or the obstacle avoidance sensors were triggered.

As Wayne @SparkyFPV has already suggested - fly it again at a higher altitude and check to see if its still in “detour” mode - if it is then there could be something wrong with it.
Alternatively - try it in Sport mode re-flying the same route and check to see if APAS or OA are triggering.

What are your settings for APAS and OA ??


May be worth checking the sensors are clean.

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