Hastings Beach/Pier Moody Morning

Thanks Phil :+1:t2: Yeah its my closest beach and occasionally get down there for fish n chips :smiley: would love to see some of your images if you have them handy, its a lovely bit of coast especially down the old town end. I’ve been using the Snapseed App on my phone as I don’t have a decent laptop at the moment. I find Snapseed very convenient with many great tools for an app. I will at some point invest in a laptop and editing software but can’t just yet. How do you find lightroom? I’ve tried the App version of lightroom but found Snapseed to be more versatile on a phone.

Yeah it was Steve, it’s a lot easier these days digitally.

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Those are some awesome shots Steve, super clear :ok_hand:

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Cheers Steve :+1:t2: Having fun playing with the new phone. Still got to go through the Pro mode and get familiar with it but so far I’m impressed with the cameras on it :smiley:

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Hi Steve

I am slowly building a website for my photography and drone videos at skyjumper.uk, the basics of the site is done so still adding things to the Galleries.

I have lots of images from the 11 years I spent in India as a Hare Krishna monk, and stuff from more recently since I returned from India in late 2012. Unfortunately most of the film images before the days of digital got going have been lost along the way somehoow or other.

I got into flying drones in May 2018 on a visit to India when my adopted son over in India was using a Mavic Pro for marriages on a commercial basis, he would charge a fee and then give the unedited footage to the main photographer for the marriage to edit. Anyway he let me have a go at flying his Mavic Pro and that was it I was hooked. I ordered a second hand Mavic Pro from eBay and it was there waiting for me when I got home.

I was using the name AprilCoon Productions up until recently which was inspired by my Maine Coon cat April, hence all the AprilCoon stuff on the videos. I changed it to SkyJumper which seems to better fit the stuff I am doing now. I haven’t been able to get out so much recently due to Covid, but hope to get out and about a bit more this year coming.

Anyway take care and keep safe.

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Hey Phil love your website (check your profile, the web address needs correcting, currently says ‘skyjumpeer.uk’ ) . Some fantastic images with loads of colour :heart_eyes: Sounds like you’ve had quite a life with lots of travel. Great story of how you got into drone flying too :grinning: Its a shame you’ve not been able to get out as much lately but hopefully this year coming will be better for all of us :crossed_fingers:t2: