Help with APM 2.8 required

Oh ok. Is the 3dr Iris file going to work on apm or should I just change it first ?

It should still get the PID values in the required ballpark. Any parameter that the APM cannot recognise will be rejected and the default will be retained.

The two main differences between the APM and Pixhawk flight controllers.

APM is an 8bit fc where as the Pixhawk is 32bit.

Pixhawk has greater processing power and more memory. Itā€™s because of the smaller memory size that firmware is no longer written for the APM, though they both use the same instruction set.


@Nidge By the way any recommendations for what double sided tape I should use to stick the pixhawk to the vibration mount? And to stick the mount to the frame?

Also what is the splitter for in ur drone?

By ā€œsplitterā€ I presume you mean the small circuit board by the side of the Pixhawk. This is an I2C expansion board. The Pixhawk has one I2C port, usually you would connect the Compass to this. But there are other devices available that use the I2C port so the expansion board allows extra I2C devices to be connected. As an example I sometimes connect a small OLED screen so I can view all the boot-up messages and any errors if I donā€™t have a tablet connected by a Mavlink radio.

As for double sided tape, the industry standard appears to be the stuff made by 3M. I also use it for securing servos and electronic bits that I donā€™t want flapping around inside a fuselage.

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