Help with subject tracking / spotlight (mini3 Pro)

Can anyone advise if it’s possible to change where a tracked or spotlight subject will be held in the camera frame?

An example of the issue I’m having. I recently set my drone to parallel track myself and a friend walking along a mountain path. I framed the initial image with the camera set to portrait, the subjects positioned approximately 1/3 up the frame, and a beautiful mountain backdrop filling the top 2/3 of the frame. The drone seemed to lock on to the subjects with no issue, but as soon as I pressed ‘Start’ the drone (or gimbal) adjusted to have the subject smack bang centre of the frame, losing the dramatic backdrop and filling the bottom half of the shot with dull rock.
I’m hoping there is some way to ‘lock’ the subjects to a specific area of a frame, or am i asking too much.
Thanks in advance.

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